Rosie Mussen thought that it would be easier for her to write this in the third person but having given it a go, she's now not so sure. After graduating from University in 2014 with a degree in English and Creative Writing she also thought it might be a good idea to start a blog so that she could extend her means of compulsively documenting everything she does and thinks. Plus twitter doesn't allow for quite as much embellishment and her instagram captions were getting longer and longer.
Rosie lives in Bristol with her girlfriend and a large, infrequently watered. house plant. Her interests include but are by no means limited to house music, reading about other people's sex lives, feminist and queer theory, wine boxes and Earl Grey tea. Speaking of, the name 'Thinkers Brew' probably sounds deceptively intellectual but instead originates from the author's need to make a cup of tea before to be consumed when completing a task which requires any degree of thought. It will likely be a combination of diary entry-esque life anecdotes, thoughts and musings, discussions and criticisms. It is fair to say that not a single post on this blog will be written without the aid of a thinker's brew.
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